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How Much Does it Cost to Produce a Pin?

This is actually a rather complex question. It fluctuates based on your specific requirements. However, a simple Google search for enamel pins might show something like, “price as low as $0.46 per pin”. Yes, that might excite you initially. But a bit of investigation reveals that $0.46 per pin refers to the smallest size enamel pin at a quantity of 10,000 pieces. So, unless you are a major corporate client, you likely need more details to understand the total cost of an order of, say, 100 pins.

Enamel pins are regarded as fully customizable products. In other words, you design it and the pin manufacturer creates it. With any custom-made product, the cost is determined by several elements such as: artwork, quantity, size, thickness, mold/setup, base metal, type of pin, finish, colors, add-ons, attachments, packaging, and shipping method. And since no two batches of pins are exactly the same, the cost of each batch of custom pins will vary.
So, let's discuss each factor in a little more depth. Each factor will be phrased as a question since these are the exact questions you will have to answer when you order your custom enamel pins.

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How does pin QUANTITY affect the pin cost?

The basic cost of a pin is decided by both quantity and size. The larger the quantity you order, the lower the price. Similarly, the larger the size you order, the higher the price. Most pin companies will showcase a chart on their website covering pricing ranging from 0.75 inch up to 2 inches in size and quantity ranging from 100 to 10,000. The quantity options will be listed in a row at the top, and the size options will be listed in the column on the left. For instance, if you were ordering 500 pieces of 1.25-inch size enamel pins, you would find the 1.25-inch row on the left side and follow it to the 500-quantity column, and that would be your base price.
You might inquire, what is the minimum quantity for pin orders? The response is usually 100, yet some companies will offer a minimum of 50 pins. There is the occasional company that will sell a single pin, but the cost would be $50 to $100 for just one pin, which is not feasible for the majority of people.

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How much does ARTWORK cost for custom pins?

In a single word: FREE. One of the greatest aspects when purchasing custom pins is that you don't need to pay for the artwork. Artwork is essential, so pin companies offer this service for free to simplify the process. All that is demanded from you is a certain degree of description of what you desire. FREE artwork makes ordering custom pins an effortless decision as you are saving hundreds of dollars in artwork fees. And to make it clear, most artworks are not completed until they have undergone 1-3 revisions. Revisions are also FREE.

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How does pin SIZE affect the pin cost?

Size was briefly touched upon earlier, but there is additional information you should be aware of. Regarding price, the larger the pin, the higher the cost. The reason is that more material is required to manufacture the custom pin. Also, the larger the pin, the thicker it needs to be to prevent bending. Pins typically range from 0.75-inch to 2-inch. There is typically a significant increase in the base price at 1.5 inches and again when exceeding 2 inches. Most pin companies have standard equipment to handle up to 2-inch pins; however, anything above that demands special equipment, more material, and additional labor, thereby escalating the cost.

Now, let's address the question of what is the appropriate enamel pin size? The most common size of a lapel pin is 1 or 1.25 inches. This is a suitable size for most purposes such as trade show giveaway pins, corporate pins, club pins, organization pins, etc. If you are creating a trading pin, you probably want to opt for 1.5 to 2 inches as larger tends to be better.
How does pin THICKNESS affect the pin cost?
Rarely will you be asked how thick do you want your pin.  In the pin world thickness is primarily determined by the size.  1-inch pins are typically 1.2mm thick.  1.5-inch pins are typically closer to 1.5mm thick.  However, you can specify a thickness that just costs about 10% more.  A thicker pin gives more substance to the feel and quality of the pin so some customers might request a 2mm thick pin even for a 1-inch size pin.  

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How much is the MOLD or SETUP cost for a custom pin?

The reason most companies do not sell a single custom pin is because of the mold.  Whether you make one pin or 10,000 pins there is the same mold and setup cost.  A mold/setup cost is typically $50 for the average pin.  So, if only one pin is ordered, the company has to charge at minimum $50 to cover the mold/setup cost.  You can also see that the more pins you order the more that $50 can be spread out.
This information is shared just to help you understand there is a mold/setup cost, but in most cases pin companies do not charge you a separate mold/setup charge rather they just absorb the cost in the base price of the pin.  One trick a company often uses is when multiple designs are ordered at the same time, they will reduce the piece price of the second pin and just charge the mold cost plus a little extra.  This saves you money.

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How does the BASE METAL affect pin cost?

There are 4 standard base metals used in pin manufacturing:  iron, brass, copper, and zinc alloy.  Iron is the cheapest metal, brass and copper are the most expensive, zinc alloy is the least expensive for large quantities but is most expensive for smaller quantities under 500.  The reality is you cannot visually see any difference in a pin based on the base metal used as it is covered with gold or silver.  However, there will be a significant difference in price between iron and the other metals so it is good to ask what base metal is used for the price quoted.
How much does the different PIN TYPES cost?
Next to size and quantity, pin type has the biggest impact on price.  Each type of pin will have its own price chart listed on a company website.  Since there are too many prices to list in this post, here is a list of the four primary pin types and the relative cost compared to the other pin types.  The more stars the more expensive.  In addition, the number to the right of the stars will compare the cost of 100, 1-inch size pins to give you an idea of the variance in cost based on pin type. The prices are only an estimate at time of writing.
How much does a gold pin or silver pin finish cost?
Typically, the cost of the plating is already factored into the price listed on the price chart.  However, some companies charge more for gold plating as it is much more expensive than all other plating.  Having said that, you might wonder if you have a valuable piece of jewelry (pin) if it is plated in gold.  The answer is no.  Most custom pins are plated with a very thin layer of gold or silver.  Most pins are considered costume jewelry which has about 10 mil thickness of plating.  A jewelry quality pin would have close to 100 mil thickness of plating.  Jewelry is typically worn against the skin and is susceptible to rubbing so it is made thicker to avoid the gold rubbing off.  With costume jewelry (enamel pins) they are not worn against the skin so rubbing is not an issue.  If 100mill was used on lapel pins, the price would increase dramatically.
It is worth noting that besides gold and silver finish there is also dyed metal finish.  This is a powder coating of sorts that can be done in any color like black, blue, green, red.  There is no extra cost for this type of plating, but it is useful to understand because it can really change the look of a pin.
How much do enamel pins with extra COLORS cost?
The good news is that most pin companies offer up to 8 colors FREE.  In most cases you don’t want to go more than 4-6 colors as that keeps the enamel pin clean looking.  At 4-6 colors there is no extra cost.  But, in the event you do exceed the eight colors you will pay about $0.04 cents more per color per pin.  $0.04 cents may not sound like a lot, and it isn’t, but there have been pins done with 24 colors and that does get a little pricey.  And increases the time of production.

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How much do enamel pin ADD-ON’s cost?

When we speak of add-ons, we are referring to extra pieces that get attached to a base pin.  People often refer to them as moving parts.  You may have heard of danglers, sliders, spinners, blinkie lights, hinges, and chains.  Hopefully the words are descriptive enough to help you visualize what it is.  Add-ons can get a bit expensive.  With the exception of the chain, all the other pin add-ons can add anywhere from $0.50 to $1.50 per pin.  Why is the cost of pin add-ons so expensive?  The answer is easy, you are creating two pins and attaching them together so you are basically paying for two pins.

How much does it cost to SHIP enamel pins?

The cost of shipping enamel pins varies greatly depending on factors like package weight and size, destination, shipping method, and the courier used. Domestic shipments may cost less than international ones. Heavier packages and faster shipping methods cost more. Check with the specific provider for an accurate estimate.
Visit our website www.lapelpinmaker.com to place your order and explore our wide range of products.
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Email: sales@kingtaicrafts.com
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Post time: Jul-26-2024